Back to Nurture is a philosophy of good mothering through breastfeeding. This includes supporting and promoting breastfeeding, as well as protecting it from unethical marketing of formula and other substitutes for breastfeeding. See articles that show how we do all this!
Back to Nurture supports and is compliant with the World Health Organization’s Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (WHO Code).
Some of our links reflect this concern for protecting breastfeeding at the political and social levels. See the link about “Breastfeeding Issues”.
Back to Nurture is published by Marilyn Hogan, IBCLC, RLC, who has been an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 1989.
If you need immediate breastfeeding help, go to GET HELP in the menu above or call or text 604-879-0730 or email mhogan1954@yahoo.ca